by Secure Title Lock | Sep 27, 2019 | news
The title to a home is a significant document, as it is used as proof to show who owns a home. The owner of a home can easily be looked up by who is listed on the title. Criminals may take advantage of this information by making it appear as though they own the home...
by Secure Title Lock | Sep 25, 2019 | news
Title fraud occurs when a criminal is able to fraudulently claim the title of a home in order to acquire loans against it. This usually occurs when the criminal gains access to personal information, such as a social security number or bank account information,...
by Secure Title Lock | Sep 21, 2019 | news
For many homeowners, home title fraud represents an unknown threat. Two decades ago, there was little reason to believe that fraud involving your home title could result in long, expensive legal battles. Now, however, there are more home title thefts than ever before,...